Lesley Demetriades is the founder of the Creative Womxn’s Collective and the Creative Collxctive. Lesley founded the CWC & CC when she realized through her work how under-nurtured creatives are in society today, especially once they’ve graduated from an educational institution and need to develop an “art for commerce” mentality. How does a creative person honor their craft and pay their mortgage?

"I met Lesley at the end of 2012. At that time I was a 24-year-old aspiring actor who hadn’t dated in 3 years, was financially dependent on my parents, was funny and always the life of the party but was secretly a depressed, negative, judgemental and self-loathing girl with an eating disorder. Now, in 2018, I am a self-loving 30-year-old. I’ve been financially independent since my first class 6 years ago. I have a legit acting agent and started my own production company. I date pretty consistently. And now when I’m the ‘funny life of the party’ it’s out of pure joy rather than out of survival to mask my pain. Along with the above, the depth of freedom and strength I feel in every other area of my life is indescribable. The tools I’ve garnered from my sessions with Lesley and that I continue to whittle on my own are life saving/changing. In my opinion, the most important thing that all legitimate avenues into awareness have in common is their admission that ultimately YOU are your own teacher and that your power and life are in your own hands. That you can use books, guides, and teachers etc. to help jump-start and or support your awakening but ultimately they just mirror the answers that are already within you. That’s what I love about Lesley- she makes it very clear that she’s a temporary guide and that you are the one who does the work and shifts your life and that she’ll help only as long as you ask her to. I can say with full confidence that Lesley’s guidance is pure and heart-driven and comes with no strings attached."
"Before I began class with Lesley I was a 24-year-old sarcastic, angry, control freak that was really “successful” at work and sucked in relationships with family, friends, coworkers and romance. I have no idea how people saw me before I began to really look at myself, I imagine I appeared to be a short, angry little butthead. Through Lesley, I’ve begun to look at myself and at some very painful occurrences (ie what I call the “mother nut” being abandoned by my mom) from my past and see them as happening FOR me not to me. Everything happens FOR me to grow me. I’ve been practicing this self awareness with Lesley guiding me for a year and a half now. The smallness of the world I live in is shattered open again and again, and I’m grateful for it. I have a great job that I get to learn in, grow in and be of service in daily. I have some truly beautiful friendships that continue to deepen. I have a real relationship with both my sister and my mom that was literally non-existent for 24 years prior to this practice. I am dating up a storm currently. Dating makes me feel the most and it makes me feel the most uncomfortable (which is why it’s the last thing I mentioned..ahem). I’ve only now begun to allow myself to risk sharing feelings with men (SO SCARY AT FIRST), my dad, my sister, my mom, and my friends. The miracles that continually occur because of the risks I take are endless. Literally, little synchronicities in everything. I can just think something it shows up in front of me (this has literally been happening with money for me lately). Lesley helps me see more me. I am forever grateful for getting the opportunity to be in front her."
"Lesley’s class is a tremendous gift for anyone ready to be their best self. In a culture where information is instantly available to us, I spent years studying self-help books, youtube videos, diets, and many philosophies so that I could become a better being. Lesley’s class is unique in that it goes beyond information. It actually holds up a mirror to the Being. This kind of reflection allowed my to see where there was dust clouding my vision, and as I made a practice to clean away the dust, I began to see with new eyes – and I began to see possibility. My depression fell away, and I could see the opportunity of a beautiful life right in front of me. To meet myself back through this clear reflection is one of the most beautiful and powerful gifts I’ve ever received. Every aspect of my life has changed for the better. I attend Saturday classes in awe of the gift Lesley shares, and the willingness of my classmates who are ready to have their lives."
"I am so grateful for the work Lesley does. She lives her life on purpose and with courage and helps her students to see the self as one with a world full of possibility. My life would absolutely not be on the course it is right now if not for this powerful woman’s guidance."
"I have been practicing with Lesley for about a month now and even in that short period, I have learned so much and have already started shedding so many bad habits. I actually enjoy things that I used to hate to do. I am a musical theatre major in college and I used to despise rehearsing. During one of Lesley’s classes, I realized that I don’t HAVE to do anything. I GET to. Since then I get excited to rehearse. This is also the same with exercising. I only do it when I want to and I don’t feel guilty when I don’t. When I eat foods that I consider “bad” for me, I don’t allow myself to feel bad about eating it. I just enjoy how good it is and I feel great about it. Recently I’ve become interested in a guy. I wouldn’t allow myself to text him to hang out because I convinced myself that he would be creeped out and think that I was coming on to him. After talking to Lesley about it, I try not to allow myself to hold back and I’m always practicing risking what I’m afraid to do. I find that I am only losing when I don’t so anything. Now, the guy and I are such good friends and we hang out all the time. I find myself happy all the time for no reason and I notice other people’s unhappiness and unconsciousness. I’m not perfect with this practice, but with the little that I have realized has made my life so much nicer to live."
"Working with Lesley has been life-altering. I feel myself transforming before my very own eyes and feel my heart becoming alive. My thoughts have less power over me. It cannot be explained, it can only be experienced. Your “self” will thank you for daring to DO it!"
"What is disease? I can tell you from my experience of being poked at with needles, labeled, and diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called lupus. Trying to explain to your friends and family what it feels like to have ZERO energy and then to come down with the flu and literally every other virus out there… it’s pretty much impossible to be heard and understood. Most recently, my blood work was clear and now my symptoms of the disease rarely come up. I am officially in a remission state. Was I put on a miracle drug for an incurable disease? No. After going the drug route for about 6 months and still feeling horrible, I was introduced by my sister to a new practice. Not a medical practice. The best way I can describe this work is a practice of presence, love of others, self-love, and self-awareness. I do have a coach, as I like to call her. Her name is Lesley Demetriades, and she is a beautiful soul on both the inside and the outside. My disease was a physical manifestation of my emotional dis-ease. The earth I once saw as the victim is now a beautiful place for me to spend time on. My eyes see beauty where I once saw flaws or floated by on auto-pilot. I have grown my relationships with friends and family into a new closeness that I have never had. I don’t spend my precious spend time obsessing over negativity and fear. My work life has also vastly improved as a result. The quality of energy I am attracting into my world is of a higher vibration. Everything is a POSSIBILITY now. Did I have my doubts? You bet your ass I had my cultural belief of there is no way this work could apply to my life. I listen to the universe now. I am open. I am embracing this life. I am creating, playing, and loving in COMPLETE JOY."
C and G
"Working with Lesley on my life in relationship has been truly awe-some. The practice of being in each moment not only in my marriage but in my friendships has given me so much more life! Learning how to be experiential and present while letting go of my “ideas”, expectations and my instinct to always react has transformed my marriage. Our abilities to respond to each other encompasses so much more than our own opinions and habits, we find ourselves coming to give to each other in each moment more and more, therefore creating love. I feel honored to be in marriage with my husband and am excited for what life puts in front of us!"
"I didn’t realize it until I started writing this, but the Relationship Dive Intensive totally smashed my idea of what a relationship should be. I think I had this idea that you should be with the “right” person (whatever that means) and I needed to be a certain way to make a relationship “work” (whatever that means). But getting to see Lesley guide all the couples (as individuals and as units) through their journeys was so crazy to me because I got to see everyone work themselves out with the person they’re in a relationship with. I didn’t even know I had this idea a relationship being a prefect, ‘final product’ until I saw all the realness that was going on in those 3 hours and how stunning it was to watch, and how stunned I was. All the people who worked with Lesley that night allowed their fears to be dealt with out in the open, and shifted beautifully because of it. I don’t necessarily know what to make of myself in terms of relationships now, but I know that the intensive got rid of the idea I had before. And I can tell that there’s a lot of freedom in that alone. So I thank everyone who participated and made that possible."
"Lesley’s work is really special. She has such a gift for seeing what is off and knowing just how to lovingly shift it. She has made a HUGE impact in my life through her coaching as well as the several friends I have referred to her. Her “awareness coaching” puts a flashlight on what needs to be loved and healed so you can live your best life possible. Highly recommend!"
"Point of Possibility has completely changed my life. Thanks to my experience with Lesley as a coach and with all of the beautiful men and women in the group session, I have grown and stepped into myself and my life more deeply than I ever thought possible! If you feel like you “struggle” with anything- self-doubt, anxiety, stress, feeling out of control, romantic relationships, family relationships, career growth, literally anything– opening yourself up to this practice will make huge changes in your life and has helped me find more strength and peace than I ever thought I had within me! Do it. Just try it and I promise you will find what you need. And it’s all through love. Best decision I ever made."
"It is no exaggeration to say that I have witnessed the beginning of seismic and lasting changes for numerous people studying with the POP group over the past few years. An awareness practice + a supportive community + an excellent coach is a formula for limitless growth and daring life."
"Lesley has helped me connect in with myself at a deeper level – I’ve become acquainted with my Being and have learned to identify the thoughts and patterns that kept me in my head rather than in my heart. Her guidance is without a doubt one of the most profound gifts I’ve experienced in my life. I am so grateful for the work that she does and for the way that she has helped me wake up to my truer self, thus allowing me to journey towards a deeper and richer life."
"Working with Lesley has changed my life every single time. I could speak about it at length, but ultimately it needs to be a felt experience. please do yourself a favor and work with this absolute divine light."
"Time spent with Lesley and the womxn who are drawn to this work is like my favorite moment from the movie Hook. Grown up Peter Pan has returned to Neverland devoid of any remembrance of his magic and faced with the impossible task of saving his children from Captain Hook. Morale among his formerly devoted lost boys is low, they are not even sure if he is Peter or if it's worth it to help this sad, terrified man. It takes a pure, curious heart and the gentleness of an old friend moving around the layers of his face to see him, "There you are, Peter." And so begins Peter's remembering. That's how it feels being in any course with Lesley. Not only does she say, "There you are, Peter/Haley/You", she gives you the tools and the space to develop your own true sight. She's magic and so is this work. I'm eternally grateful."